Behaviour: Ready, Respectful, Safe

Our behaviour policy is based on three principles which are our three rules: be ready, be respectful and be safe.

You can read our behaviour policy in full on our policies page.

At Hardwick Green, one of the ways that we develop children’s character is through the ‘Hardwick Green Way’ curriculum. In order to build character, we define the behaviours and habits that we expect students to demonstrate. We want to support our pupils to grow into adults who are polite, respectful, grateful and who put others before themselves. We believe that, as pupils practise these behaviours over time, they become habits that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them.


Behaviour Curriculum

Updated: 18/10/2022 147 KB

Our 'anti-bullying' approach:

Our anti-bullying work is informed by the Anti Bullying Alliance (ABA). We have adopted their 10 key principles:


What do we mean by 'bullying'?

Not all situations in which children and young people are involved in conflict or relationship difficulties can be understood as bullying. ‘Relational conflict’ is one way of describing such non-bullying situations. 

We, and the ABA, define bullying as: the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power.


Our Ethos:

We follow guidance from the Anti-Bullying alliance around creating a culture in school that prevents bullying, and deals with it swiftly if it does occur. 

Our school aims to prevent bullying by: 

  • Celebrating difference and diversity in all 

  • Having a strong anti-bullying ethos 

  • Developing staff skills in preventing and dealing with bullying - all staff are trained using the ABA resources.

Staff in school have received training from the anti-bullying alliance on different types of bullying, how to respond to bullying and how to ensure our culture in school helps to prevent bullying. 


Anti-Bullying Week:

Each November we take part in Anti-Bullying week. This academic year, it begins on Monday 13th November with Odd Socks Day!

The theme is: Make a Noise about Bullying! 

During the week, children across school will get the chance to take part in special anti-bullying workshops with drama group 'Bigfoot Education'.

You can read more about anti-bullying week in the parent documents below.



If you would like to access training yourself from the Anti-Bullying alliance, this can be done for free here.


Anti-Bullying Resources

Updated: 13/11/2023 255 KB
Updated: November 2023
Updated: 07/11/2023 1.77 MB
Resources from the Anti-Bullying Alliance to support Anti-Bullying week in November 2023.
Updated: 11/11/2022 3.33 MB
Resources from the Anti-Bullying Alliance to support Anti-Bullying week in November 2022.
Updated: 08/11/2021 1.39 MB
Resources from the Anti-Bullying Alliance to support Anti-Bullying week in November 2021.